The construction of a single storey extension of 1,653sqm accommodating a general purpose room, classrooms, toilet, library, demonstration room, lecture room, music/drama room, multimedia lab, religion room, computer room, multimedia lab, religion room, computer room, boiler room, offices, access corridors, courtyards, ancillary accommodation and all associated site works and services including a new side access road, ball courts and below ground attenuation tanks. A separate double height physical education hall building of 1,087sqm together with changing rooms, toilets showers along with a partial first floor with additional PE room. The development will involve internal alterations to the existing school in the form of a lift, window replacement, offices, classrooms, roof work and elevation amendments to the existing school.

To find out more details on this School Development in Galway Started on 12th September 2014 take the free trial here.



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