The development will consist of the construction of a new single storey 8-classroom school building with a total floor area of 2,580sqm and incorporating associated teaching and clinical spaces, a general purpose/dining hall, library, staff rooms and all ancillary accommodation, including photovoltaic panels at roof level. Works to the new school grounds will consist of the provision of play and kick about areas, covered outdoor seating, dining and teaching spaces, a tool shed and bin store and associated hard and soft landscaping throughout. The development will also include a new vehicular access from the Longford Road. The new access will incorporate an internal drop-off and pick-up area for both cars and buses, the provision of 32 no car parking spaces, incorporating 2 no. disabled parking spaces, 10 no. mini bus parking bays and 10 no. bicycle parking stands. Permission is also sought for new foul, water and drainage system works, boundary treatments and all other site development works
To find out more details on this School Development in Westmeath Applied for on 12th April 2021 take the free trial here.