Permission for development at the existing aldi store. the proposed development comprises of the extension of the existing single storey discount food store (previously permitted under reg.ref. 20043685) by 290 sq.m. the gross floor area of the store will increase from 1,345 sq.m (net retail area of 850 sqm) to 1,635 sq.m ( net retail area 1,140 sq.m). the existing vacant cafe building (202 sq.m gross) adjacent to the eastern elevation of the store will be demolished to facilitate to the proposed extension. the development also includes the reconfiguration of existing parking spaces, provision of revised entrance doors to the discount food store and provision of a replacement pedestrian walkway along the eastern elevation of the store. the development consists of all associated landscaping and site development works on the 0.94 hectare site.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Wexford Started on 2014-11-14 take the free trial here.