Permission for amendment to development granted under Planning Ref. No. 14/4414 for residential accommodation, education, rehabilitation and addiction counselling to provide for (a) the omission of the permitted sewage treatment unit and its ancillary works serving the development and its replacement with the construction of a 416 metre length of foul sewer to connect to the public sewer, and (b) amend the permitted site boundaries to incorporate the proposed sewer and associated site works.


The works consist of site preparation, construction of a two-storey 16-bed residential centre, demolition of existing building & construction of an 8 – unit apartment building, alterations and refurbishment of an existing bungalow building, associated site works including extending foul sewerage about 340m beyond the site boundary to connect to the public sewer in Forest Ridge Estate west of Sarsfields Road.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Cork Started on 14th March 2017 take the free trial here.

Fellowship House


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