Extension of duration of planning permission ref. No. Sa/130628 for the partial demolition of existing school buildings and the retention of 1 No. existing prefab building.
The construction of a single and two storey extension to the existing Whitecross National School to create a 16 No. classroom primary school with general purpose hall and ancillary facilities.
As well as 32 No. Car parking spaces, a new vehicular entrance and exit, part boundary wall to the road, two bus set down areas, a new 3-metre wide pavement, 97. 2m long along the front of the site on the R132, a pedestrian crossing point at the junction of Ballygarth Manor Road and R132, new surface water drainage connection to the west of the site on R132, hard play areas, fencing and gates and landscape planting
To find out more details on this School Development in Meath Applied for on 2018-02-20 take the free trial here.