Application to An Bord Pleanála for a ten year permission for a strategic housing development consisting of 927 no. residential units, a neighbourhood centre containing a childcare facility with a GFA of c. 604 sqm and 2 no. retail units each with a GFA of c. 85sqm, and includes the associated section of the Clay Farm Loop Road from the bridge road link with Phase 1 to the southwestern site boundary, associated internal roads, pedestrian and cycle paths, open space, and all associated site and infrastructural works.

The application site has an overall area of c. 20.5 hectares. The residential component of the development consists of 355 no. houses and 572 no. apartments, to be provided as follows: 47 no. 3-bed two-storey terraced houses with a GFA of 125.5 sqm (Type B1), 113.8 sqm (Type B2) and 143.5 sqm (Type B3); 80 no. 3-bed two-storey terraced houses with a GFA of c. 112 sqm (Type C2 (and including 1 no. Type C2A (GFA of 130.3 sqm)); 3 no. 4-bed three-storey terraced houses with a GFA of c.139 sqm (Type C3);

7 no. 3-bed two-storey terraced houses with a GFA of approximately 121.9 sqm (Type D2); 187 no. 4-bed three-storey terraced houses with a GFA of c. 175.4 sqm (Type E1); 31 no. 4-bed three-storey terraced houses with a GFA of c. 178.6 sqm (Type E2);

16 no. apartment blocks (W01-07 & E01-09) ranging from three to six no. storeys in height, over undercroft / basement car parking, containing a total of 115 no. 1 bed apartments with a GFA ranging from c. 49.4 sqm to 51.3 sqm, 391 no. 2 bed apartments with a GFA ranging from c. 82.1 sqm to 95.8 sqm, and

48 no. 3 bed duplex / own door apartment units with a GFA of c. 103 sqm to 115.8 sqm. 18 no. 3 bed duplex / own door apartment units are located at the neighbourhood centre with a GFA ranging from c.103 sqm to 162.8 sqm in a three to four storey building (which also contains the childcare facility and retail units at ground floor level).

Bin and cycle storage areas are proposed within the apartment blocks and single and double bin stores are proposed for the houses. A bring bank is proposed adjacent to the neighbourhood centre block. 5 no. electricity sub-stations are proposed for the site.

A total of 1,443 no. car parking spaces are proposed, which includes 710 no. spaces for the houses, 688 no. spaces for the apartment blocks (W01-07 and E01-E09) and 29 no. spaces for the residential units and 16 no. spaces for the childcare facility and retail units within the neighbourhood centre element of the scheme.

The associated site and infrastructural works include foul and surface water drainage, attenuation tanks, open space including playgrounds, a MUGA (multi-use games area) and exercise units, cycle stores/spaces, landscaping, boundary walls and fences, internal roads, cycle paths and footpaths.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2019-02-15 take the free trial here.

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Clay Farm


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