Permission for amendments to FW19A/0175. General reconfiguration of the permitted foodstore to make provision for a previously unidentified Irish Water wayleave located at the north western corner of the application site. The building would increase in height by 0.75m and the eastern façade would be 0.7m closer to the public road (Blakestown Way) and 1.0 m closer to the Community Centre boundary along the northern side of the application site. Other proposed amendments which are identified on the attached drawings include. (1) Revised new carpark layout (2) Proposed canopy with trolley bay and bicycle stands underneath (3) Revised pedestrian entrance (4) Bin cage relocated. (5) Poster display boards relocated (6) Proposed first floor welfare/Staff area reconfigured internally and increased in area. (7) Welfare/customer toilets/operation office relocated (8) Proposed plant compound (9) Revised freezer/bakery preparation (1) Loading-bay reconfigured and repositioned (11) Chiller re-located within the warehouse area. The Gross Floor Area of the building reduces from 2,490 sqm to 2,181 sqm (which includes a reduced ground floor area and includes for a new first-floor area for staff welfare facilities.. parking increases from previously permitted 99 spaces to 111 spaces which now includes for dedicated staff car parking facilities at the northwestern corner of the site in the area to the rear of the new warehouse along with all other bacillary and associated site development works above and below ground level that is required to complete the project to the required standard and building regulations.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2021-07-07 take the free trial here.