Permission for development at College Business & Technology Park. The proposed development is for Phase 2 of the biopharmaceutical manufacturing campus (Phase 1 is currently under construction and pursuant to planning permission under Fingal County Council planning register reference FW14A/0020 and FW14A/0138), comprising the construction of a manufacturing building, warehouse extension, central utilities building and all associated site development works. The proposed development, with a total floor area of 30,994 square metres, specifically provides for the following:- A four storey 21,869 square metre and 42.5 metre high manufacturing building including intermediate level mezzanines and boiler flue stack (to 48.5 metres height) located to the north of the Phase 1 data centre; A single storey 3,626 square metre and 16 metre high warehouse extension to the east and north sides of the Phase 1 warehouse building; A two storey 4,563 square metre and 13.5 metre high central utilities building located to the north of the Phase 1 warehouse; A utilities yard and wastewater treatment area to the rear (north) of the Phase 2 area. The ancillary external utilities within the utility yard will consist of a single storey control building, single storey pump house, single storey drum storage building, single storey electrical building, process water and waste water storage tanks, bunded water treatment chemical tanks, bunded fuel storage tank, retaining wall and backup electrical generators, each of these facilities will be accessible via a single storey internal access corridor running through the spine of the campus with elevated utility rack, a staff entrance lobby extension to the western elevation of the Phase 1 internal access corridor. Car parking for an additional 220 vehicles is proposed in an area to the west of the campus. An electrical substation building with separate access off the Cruiserath Road, continued provision of temporary construction access off the Cruiserath Road to be maintained as an emergency vehicle access and egress following construction with the main access serving the proposed development to be from the south of the site as per Phase 1 permission. The proposals provide for ancillary site works including additional internal access roads, an additional fire water sprinkler tank, underground services, lighting, 70 bicycle parking spaces, 10 motor-cycle spaces, CCTV, soft and hard landscaping and increase to size of surface water attenuation pond to the south-east of the site and all on a site measuring approximately 16.8 hectares. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared and will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application. The EIS will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of The Planning Authority. The proposed development is for the purposes of an activity requiring an application to the Environmental Protection Agency for a licence under the Industrial Emissions Directive.

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College Business and Technology Park


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