(i) The demolition of existing sheds (110m2), the partial demolition of agricultural barns (173.2m2) and livestock shed (8.2m2).
(ii) The construction of a 12-bed care home building (1,111m2).
(iii) Provision of 2 no. low arousal units (63.6m2).
(iv) A change of use of existing dwelling to staff accommodation (199m2).
(v) Access and car parking.
(vi) Landscaping and boundary treatments.
(vii) Open space and exercise/sports areas.
(viii) Installation of wastewater treatment system.
(ix) Provision of footpaths and lighting.
(x) Bin stores and.
(xi) All associated and ancillary site development works on a site to the south of the Cois Dalua Care Facility.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Cork Applied for on 25th August 2021 take the free trial here.

Cois Dalua Care Facility

Plans Applied

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