Permission for the construction of a part four storey, part five storey Aged Care Facility, to accommodate 224 no. bedrooms and ancillary resident and staff facilities, with a GFA of 12,580 sqm over a single level basement with a GFA of 2,020 sqm. The proposal includes internal courtyards and terrace areas. Vehicular access will be via Ballyogan Avenue and Leopardstown Valley Shopping Centre to a basement access ramp and a service yard area to the north. The proposal contains 3 no. surface car parking spaces and 10 no. surface cycle spaces. 53 no. car parking spaces, 3 no. motorcycle spaces and 40 no. cycle spaces are proposed at basement level. The proposal includes a pedestrian/cycle greenway along the northern boundary, all associated site works, including removal of existing surface car parking, public lighting, landscaping and boundary treatments all o n a site area of 0.88 ha. The proposed development relates to part of the overall Leopardstown Valley site where Block C – Office and Flock F – Leisure were approved under Ref. Ref. D03A/0584, as extended under D03A/0584/E and E1 and will supersede these elements of that permission.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Granted permission on 17th November 2016 take the free trial here.

Leopardstown Valley Shopping Centre

Plans Granted

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