We, Hibernia Reit plc, intend to apply for planning permission at The Hanover Building, Windmill Lane and Hanover Street East, Dublin 2, D02 DH99 and for amendments to the permitted adjacent development (currently under construction) to the west at 1-4 Windmill Lane, 1-3 Hanover Street East and nos 19-20 Creighton Street, Dublin 2 (permitted under reg. Ref: 4071/09, as previously amended under reg. Ref: 2270/15, 3055/15, 4323/15 and 2258/16). The proposed development comprises of the following: (i) Omission of existing vehicular access ramp to the basement of The Hanover Building from Hanover Street East, relocation of the existing ESB substation from Windmill Lane to Hanover Street East, infill of existing ground floor terrace area to the east, and associated internal amendments. The amendments at ground floor level of The Hanover Building result in an overall increase in floor space of 244 sqm. Vehicular access to the basement will be from the permitted access ramp from Hanover Street East to the adjacent building to the west at 1-4 Windmill Lane, 1-3 Hanover Street East and Nos 19-20 Creighton Street, Dublin 2, (currently under construction) and the development includes an amendment to this development (permitted under Reg. Ref: 4071/09, as previously amended under Reg. Ref: 2270/15, 3055/15, 4323/15 and 2258/16) to provide a link to the Hanover Building at basement level, including the removal of 3 no. permitted car parking spaces in the development at 1-4 Windmill Lane, 1-3 Hanover Street East and Nos 19-20 Creighton Street, Dublin 2, to facilitate the link, and the provision of 4 no. additional car parking spaces at basement level of the Hanover Building; (ii) Alterations to the existing office entrance to the Hanover Building from Windmill Lane to provide an increased entrance/lobby area, including change of use of part (96 sq.m) of the retail area to office use as part of the entrance/lobby area, creation of a double height entrance area including glazing, revolving door and sliding door, and associated internal amendments; (iii) Change of use of ground floor of the Hanover Building from retail use to gymnasium use. The change of use relates to a circa 1,140 sq.m gross area; (iv) Infill at first floor level to east and north elevations, second floor level at south and east elevations, third floor level at north, east and south elevations, and fourth floor level at north, east, west and south elevations, all to the Hanover Building, to provide for additional office floor space comprising a total of circa 697 sq.m gross; (v) Provision of additional storey of 958 sq.m gross to the Hanover Building to increase building height from 5 storeys to 6 storeys with setbacks/terraces at fifth and sixth floors to the north, south and east; (vi) New facade treatment to the Windmill Lane (north) elevation, the Hanover Street East (south) elevation and part of the east elevation of the Hanover Building and provision of new windows on west elevation within courtyard to adjoining development to the west at 1-4 Windmill Lane, 1-3 Hanover Street East and Nos 19-20 Creighton Street, Dublin 2; (vii) The proposed development includes all associated and ancillary works, including screened roof top plant (relocation of mechanical plant from ground floor courtyard to roof plant area) and internal modifications and amendments to the building. The proposed development results in an additional 1,925 sq.m of additional floor space, resulting in a gross floor space for the building of 9,345 sq.m (including the 1,140 sq.m gym use at ground floor level and ancillary basement areas).
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