Development comprising amendments to the permitted Licenced Discount Foodstore development (An Bord Pleanála Reg. Ref. No.: PL 04.248147 (Cork County Council Planning Reg. Ref. No.:16/6427)
At this site of approximately 1.089 hectares. The proposed development consists of changes to the building design and to the site layout of the permitted development to include: The repositioning of the permitted Licensed Discount Foodstore to the northern site boundary; The Construction of a revised building design with Gross Floor Area of 2,206sq m and a Net Retail Sales Area of 1,420sq m with ancillary off-licence use and bakery; A revised trolley bay structure (41 sq m Gross Floor Area) and location; A revised car parking layout facilitating 110 no. surface car parking spaces (consisting of 6 no. disabled, 11 no. parent and child, and 93 no regular), 11 no. motorcycle parking spaces, and 23 no. bicycle parking spaces; A revised vehicular and pedestrian entrance from the Fermoy Road; A revised dedicated pedestrian entrance from the Fermoy Road. A revised corporate flag pole sign at entrance; and Revised boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping, services (including 1 no. new below ground attenuation tank) and all other ancillary and associated site development works above and below ground level.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Cork Granted permission on 2019-03-13 take the free trial here.

Fermoy Road

Plans Granted

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