Planning permission for a Strategic Housing Development consists of: The construction of 249 no. apartments in three no. buildings (Blocks 1-3) of part four, part five, part six, part seven and part eight storeys in height, with a landmark part twelve / part thirteen storey element in Block 1 (within the north east area of the site), over lower and upper basement levels.
Block 1 comprises 116 no. units, including 6 no. 1 bed, 90 no. 2 bed (including 1 no. duplex unit) and 20 no. 2 bed + study (including 1 no. duplex unit), in a part six, part seven, part eight and part twelve / part thirteen storey building, over upper basement level. Block 1 includes a residential amenity space with a gross floor area (GFA) of 450 sq.m at ground floor level in proximity to a proposed pedestrian access point from Murphystown Way.
Block 2 comprises 109 no. units, including 51 no. 1 bed and 58 no. 2 bed, in a part four, part five and part six storey building, over upper basement level.
Block 3 comprises 24 no. units, including 9 no. 1 bed and 15 no. 2 bed, in a part five and part six storey building, over lower and upper basement levels. Balconies and private terraces are provided for all apartments on the elevations of each building.

The proposal includes a childcare facility with a GFA of 550 sq.m, over two levels, located below Block 3, with an ancillary outdoor play area to the north east. A communal central courtyard is situated between the apartment blocks. An area of public open space is proposed on the northern part of the site, incorporating the provision of openings within a former demesne wall and provision of a pedestrian connection to the open space being provided in the Glencairn Strategic Housing Development (permitted under ABP Ref.: 302580-18), which is currently under construction and located to the east of the application site, and associated landscaping works.

A total of 195 no. car parking spaces, 6 no. motorcycle spaces, bin storage, plant rooms and 413 no. bicycle parking spaces are provided at upper basement level. 80 no. bicycle parking spaces are provided at surface level. The proposal includes a section of the proposed Link Road from Murphystown Way to Sandyford (long-term road objective), which will provide vehicular access to the proposed development (and future development site to the northwest). The proposal includes road upgrades, alterations and improvements to Murphystown Way, including the construction of a new signalised junction with the proposed new Link Road, provision of a new pedestrian and fire tender access route and a roadside pull-in/drop-off bay, realignment of existing footpaths and provision of new cycleway connections.

The proposals include removal of part of an existing concrete roadside wall and a section of an existing stone wall (which is part of the former boundary wall associated with Glencairn House, RPS Ref. No. 1643) and the provision of new boundary treatment of plinth wall and railings to Murphystown Way and the proposed Link Road. The associated site and infrastructural works include site clearance and excavation, including removal of an existing wall, provision of utilities and associated civil works, foul and surface water drainage including attenuation tank and outfall, internal footpaths and vehicular access to basement carpark, external hardstanding area, 2 no. ESB substations and associated switchrooms, public lighting, boundary treatments and landscaping and PV panels at roof level. The application contains a statement setting out how the proposal will be consistent with the objectives of the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Development Plan 2016-2022 and Ballyogan and Environs LAP 2019-2025. The application contains a statement indicating why permission should be granted for the proposed development, having regard to a consideration specified in Section 37(2)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, notwithstanding that the proposed development materially contravenes a relevant development plan or local area plan other than in relation to the zoning of the land. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, during public opening hours at the offices of An Bord Pleanála and Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.

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Apartments New Build in Dublin

Murphystown Way

Plans Granted

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