for a new two-storey 16 classroom Primary School building constructed over two phases with a total floor area of 3,200m2; -Phase 1- incorporating;- A) Provision of a 1,820m2 two-storey, 8-classroom Primary School building, including staff and pupil facilities and ancillary spaces; the provision of a 495m2 special education two-classroom, single storey wing, with support rooms; with associated site works and landscaping; retaining the existing car parking and drop off arrangement with an additional 17.No car parking spaces and new ball courts to the rear and new boundary walls and railings to the east and south boundaries;- and upon completion of the new building, the demolition of the existing 1,440m2 temporary 8-classroom with 2-classroom special education building;- and Phase 2 incorporating;- B) the provision of a new 885m2 two-storey 8-classroom extension with ancillary spaces connected to Phase 1 in the location of the demolished existing temporary school building including all associated site works.

To find out more details on this School Development in Kildare Started on 2018-10-08 take the free trial here.

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