The proposed development is for a Strategic Housing Development at Annabella (townland), Mallow, Co. Cork comprising:
1. The construction of 299 no. residential units comprising 185 dwellings houses (comprising a mix of 4, 3 and 2 bed semi-detached and townhouse/terraced units), 50 no. apartments/duplex units (comprising a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bed units) and 64 no. apartments (comprising a mix of 1 and 2 bed units) in 2 no. 4 storey blocks with basement parking;
2. A 450m2 creche/childcare facility;
3. The provision of landscaping and amenity areas to include 7 no. neighbourhood play areas (including a neighbourhood play area in Woodview Drive), 1 no. Multi- Use Games Area, Kickabout areas, an amenity walkway and a number of informal grassed areas;
4. Public Realm upgrades along the L-1203-74 Kennell Hill, including footpaths and raised table at the entrance to Dernville estate; and
5. All associated ancillary development including vehicular access on to the L-1203- 74 local access road, and a cycle/pedestrian connection on to the L-9000-0 local access road (via Woodview Drive) including a cycle/pedestrian bridge over Leaselands Stream, lighting, drainage, boundary treatments, ESB Substation, bicycle & car parking and bin storage.
A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed
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To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Granted permission on 2022-05-27 take the free trial here.