The development will consist of;
(A) Demolition of existing dwelling and existing steel shed to the rear of subject site.
(B) The construction of 2 no. separate apartment blocks yielding a total of 27 no. apartments (21 no. 1-bed units and 6 no. 2-bed units), comprising
(i) Block 1 – 6 storeys in height consisting of 6 No. 1-bed units and 6 No. 2-bed units
(ii) Block 2 – 5 storeys in height consisting of 15 No. 1-bed units. (iii) Pedestrian access via Richmond Avenue.
(iv) Provision of 60 no. bicycle parking spaces.
(v) Communal open space including 2 no. roof gardens.
(vi) Substation and Plant rooms.
(vii) Bin Storage.
(viii) All associated engineering and site development works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 14th April 2022 take the free trial here.