Construction of a new two-storey primary school with a total internal floor area of 3253sqm on a green field site, consisting of 16no. classrooms, a general purpose hall, library, support accommodation, a 3no. classroom special needs unit/ASD unit & all ancillary works. This includes for the provision of 37no. on-site car parking spaces & 3no. disabled parking spaces, vehicular access roads, set down area, pedestrian access pathways, ball courts, play areas, bin store, bicycle shelters, oil storage tank, new connection to existing foul drainage system, surface water drainage system with storm water attenuation connected to existing surface water network at entrance to Market Place. Diversion of on-site overhead electricity cables to underground, signage & landscaping, as part of the overall site development works on a site area of circa 2.389 hectares. The development also comprises a portion of a new link road with a priority junction off Mill Road.


Construction of a new two-storey primary school with a total internal floor area of 3253sqm on a green field site, consisting of 16no. classrooms, a general purpose hall, library, support accommodation, a 3 no. classroom special needs unit/ASD unit and all ancillary works. This includes for the provision of 37no. on-site car parking spaces and 3 no. disabled parking spaces, vehicular access roads, set down area, pedestrian access pathways, ball courts, play areas, bin store, bicycle shelters, oil storage tank, new connection to existing foul drainage system, surface water drainage system with storm water attenuation connected to existing surface water network at entrance to Market Place. The overall site development works are on a site area of circa 2.389 hectares. The development also comprises a portion of a new link road with a priority junction off Mill Road

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Mill Road


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