a new 2 storey national school comprising of 16 classrooms, general purpose hall, servery, library/resource room, special education tuition rooms, offices, staff areas, sanitary, 2 class base special needs unit, central activities space, multi-sensory room and ancillary accommodation with an additional floor area of c.3293sqm. Proposed site works to include provision for 33 No. car parking spaces including accessible parking, via proposed new vehicular and pedestrian access off Melitta Road, new access road to include bus turning circle and drop-off and pick-up facilities designed to facilitate for future school on this site. External works to include bicycle racks, formation of 2 No. ballcourts, 1 No. junior play, SNU play area, external bin store, ESB sub-station and ancillary site engineering works. The foul drainage shall include the construction of a foul pump station and associated rising main to convey foul waste from site through the Magee Barracks land block along the Curragh Road to a public main south of the Curragh Road. The storm drainage shall consist of a gravity fed attenuation system discharging by means of controlled flow to an existing surface water drainage system in the Ruanbeg Estate. The overall site area will be landscaped with grass/planted areas and complete with new boundary treatment.

To find out more details on this School Development in Kildare Started on 2014-11-20 take the free trial here.

Magee Barracks


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