A new single storey building approx. 1396sqm and comprising a 20 bedroom ward and landscaped gardens and all ancillary facilities (with plant access in pitched roof) Requirements of Building Regulations concerned TGD Part M 2010. M1 – Adequate provision shall be made for people to access and use a building, its facilities and its environs Grounds for the application: A) Omission of handrails, towel rails and other similar devices considered as high ligature risk for patients in all patient-use only WCs. Fixed metal plates will be installed instead to identified walls in the initial construction stage/phase to allow for provision of handrails where required. B) Use of fixed-button call alarm as opposed to ceiling-based cord alarm. C) Use of fixed shower head instead if detachable shower head D) Staff changing/shower facility is not suitable for wheelchair users. If required, the independent use bath facility off the admission ward may be used by wheelchair users. E) 1500 turning circle to kitchen/catering service corridor instead of 1800. F) To mitigate security risks, the refreshment facilities in general have not been designed for wheelchair users. A similar facility, suitable for universal access and use will be provided instead in the Village Centre. G) The arrangement of WC/Shower in accessible bedrooms deviates slightly from part M Diagram 21 for reasons of security and space restriction. H) Assisted bathroom and WC is designed in accordance with Health

To find out more details on this Hospital Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2015-08-13 take the free trial here.

Pre-Discharge Unit (PDU) Building

Plans Granted

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