Development at numbers 14,15,16 and 17 Leeson Street Lower,Dublin 2, also known as Stephens Hall. The proposed development will consist of;(1) Change of use from dining hall and staff facilities,granted under planning permission reference number 2397/89 to 4 no. apart-hotel guest suites, including removal of 2 no. lobbies and associated works to the external light-well areas located beneath the ground floor entrance steps and works to lower ground floor front north/east elevation to numbers 14 and 15 Lower Leeson Street,all at lower ground floor level.(2) Refurbishment of existing 3 No. apart hotel guest suites, granted under planning permission reference number 6109/04 in numbers 16 and 17 Leeson Street,also at lower ground level. The total gross internal floor area of the buildings will not increase for the proposed development.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Started on 2015-08-24 take the free trial here.


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