Modifications and amendments to 99/2676 (extended under 12/7106) including; (1)(a) A change in the number, type, design and layout of residential units from 19 no. townhouses and 20 no. apartments (39 no. total) to 32 no. semi-detached units; (b) Revised public open space layout arrangement; (c) Provision of cycle lanes and landscaping along the internal distributor road; (d) Reconfiguration of car parking and access arrangements around that part of Market Hall which has been constructed to date (1 no. retail unit, 1 no. office and 14 no. apartments) and (e) All associated site works. (2) Omission of a number of permitted structures including the meeting hall, communal hall and the remainder of Market Square (comprising 1 no. restaurant, 5 no. retail units, 13 no. offices and 23 no. apartments and town houses) which has not been constructed to date (the application includes an overall masterplan for the site which will provide for a nursing home in the future and will be subject to a separate planning application).

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