25 Feb 2022 An Bord Pleanala grants permission with conditions
Demolition of 50m2, single storey structure to north east of the site. Change of use of existing first floor from retail / commercial use to residential / apartment use, comprising of 10 new apartment units. Change of use of existing second floor from retail / commercial use to residential / apartment use, comprising of 10 new apartment units. Change of use of existing third floor from retail / commercial use to residential / apartment use, comprising of 8 new apartment units. Construction of 2 new extra floors above existing building, comprising of 7 new apartments per floor totalling 14 apartments. Construction of new 6 storey building as an extension to the existing building to the northeast corner of the site, comprising of 2 new apartments per floor totalling 12 apartments with new pedestrian entrance to the rear of the building. Reconfiguration of existing internal and external car parking areas to cater to the existing and proposed development. Alterations to existing services to provide connections to proposed apartment units; all together with associated site works, new boundary wall to North East of building, new refuse storage facilities, cycle parking and drainage connections necessary to complete this development;
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow Granted permission on 25th February 2022 take the free trial here.