7 April 2021 Plans granted for the proposed development with the omission of 2 no. bedrooms from the original scheme.

The development will consist of the change of use of the existing vacant building from office use to hotel and bar use, to include:
(1) Provision of 57 hotel bedrooms,
(2) Provision of bar at ground floor level accessed from Dame Court,
(3) The lowering of the ground floor level locally to facilitate the provision of a new universal/disabled hotel entrance on the Dame Lane elevation,
(4) Provision of new signage to Dame Court and Dame Lane elevations,
(5) Installation of new lift,
(6) Formation of new door ope at first floor level in the rear (east) elevation to facilitate fire escape,
(7) Formation of new door ope at ground floor level in the rear (south) elevation to facilitate fire escape,
(8) Formation of 2no. window opes at first and second floor level in the rear (south) elevation,
(9) Replacement of 2no. existing doors with new windows at first and second floor level in the rear (south) elevation,
(10) Construction of new 2.4m high louvred screen at first floor level to rear south elevation,
(11) All internal modifications, repair works, site and services works to facilitate the development.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2021-04-07 take the free trial here.

The Hely Building

Plans Granted

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