To construct 22 no. Houses, to include the following: (a) 3 no. Two-bedroom detached bungalows; (b) 4 no. Blocks to include a total of 8 no. Three – bedroom semi detached houses; (c) 3 no. Blocks of 3 no. Terrace type houses to include 2 no. Three bedroom and 1 no. Four-bedroom house in each terrace (9 no. Houses in total) (d) 2 no. Three-bedroom detached houses. Connect to public foul sewer. Surface water to discharge to stream. Connect to public water supply, connect to public services (telephone and electricity). Permission is also required to access the development via development previously granted under planning ref. 99/232 previous permission granted on this site under planning ref no. 06/161.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Clare Applied for on 5th March 2020 take the free trial here.