A) Erection of 37 no. dwelling houses consisting of terraced, semi-detached & detached dwellings comprising: (a) 29 no. three bedroom (b) 6 no. two bedroom & (c) 2 no. four bedroom houses as a continuation of The existing partially completed whitebrook housing development as granted planning permission Reg. No. 20032391 & 20065122. The development shall be carried out in 4 phases (2 phases of 10 dwellings, 1 phase of 9 dwellings & 1 phase of 8 dwellings). B) All associated and ancillary site works to facilitate the development including a spur road connection for future development of local access road on adjacent property, in accordance with the objectives of the current Wexford Town & environs plan.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wexford Started on 12th April 2018 take the free trial here.