Planning Permission for the development which will consists of the construction of a part single storey, part two storey mixed use development totalling 2,694sqm gross floor space, including: a Licensed Discount Foodstore Supermarket with ancillary off -licence sales measuring 2,154 sqm gross (net retail sales area of 1,377sqm), a Café/ Restaurant measuring 197sqm, a Barbers measuring 80 sqm, a Nail Bar measuring 20 sqm, a physiotherapy clinic measuring 56 sqm, and associated communal areas measuring 187 sqm; and, the provision of associated car parking, free standing and building mounted signage, free standing trolley bay and enclosure, refrigeration and air conditioning plant and equipment, roof mounted solar panels, public lighting, hard and soft landscaping, cycle parking, boundary treatments, vehicular and pedestrian accesses, drainage infrastructure and connections to services / utilities, and all other associated and ancillary development and works above and below ground level.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Galway Applied for on 2019-09-04 take the free trial here.