Permission for a residential development on an existing site at Ballinglanna, Riverstown, Glanmire, Co.Cork. The development will comprise the following:
(1) The demolition of 2 no. existing derelict warehouse buildings and
(2) The construction of 3 no. buildings of 3-storeys in height accommodating 30 no. apartments in total (12 no. 1-bedroom units, 12 no. 2-bedroom units and 6 no. 3-bedroom units), 33 no. car parking spaces, refuse storage, cycle shelter, landscaping, revised site entrance and road markings, new footpath and access road with vehicle turning area and all associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and accompanies the application.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Granted permission on 2022-04-26 take the free trial here.