Permission for redevelopment of existing commercial site (a) alterations to existing car showroom & ancillary offices, including reduction in floor area and incorporation of a gymnasium in the basement (b) modification of previously approved scheme for Vehicle Test Centre (ref: 07/1007) including reduction of floor area (c) revisions to approved Petrol Filling Station (ref:09/565) incorporating alterations & part change of use of existing building to accommodate ancillary shop, cafe/restaurant, and offices/meeing rooms; and the development of forecourt areas with associated canopies, drive thru car wash, modified site access arrangements & assocated road improvements, parking, revisions to existing retaining wall, underground storage tanks, bunkering facilities, chemical/eslan disposal point, signage, lighting columns, fencing, play areas, new drainage infrastructure and landscaping.

To find out more details on this Car Showroom Development in Louth Granted permission on 16th June 2015 take the free trial here.

Lands at the Junction of the N2 & the R171 Tallanstown Road

Plans Granted

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