Construction of a proposed three-storey pilot plant manufacturing facility sized approximately 3,266 square metres and approximately 20.75 metres high and located and linked to the existing factory 03 manufacturing building and located south of the O.S.D. manufacturing facility, currently under construction (ref. 20/693). The project development also includes the following:
a) An equipment yard housing plant, equipment and abatement system, vents and equipment housings including a covered waste tank,
b) Roof mounted equipment and vents,
c) Modifications to existing underground utilities including a surface water attenuation tank, underground storage tanks and miscellaneous works,
d) The extension of the temporary contractors’ compound, currently under construction and additional local temporary contractor parking together with a second compound directly adjacent to the proposed facility,
e) Revised landscaping and site-works,
f) Modifications to the existing internal roads layouts, site lighting, pipe bridges, links, bunded tanks and supporting structures, and a truck staging area,
g) Modifications to the existing car park layout to allow for the inclusion of additional accessible car parking spaces and electrical charge points,
h) Alterations to the elevations of Factory 03 to accommodate the proposed development.
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Tipperary Granted permission on 2021-08-04 take the free trial here.