(a) proposed removal of the existing 10 no. Ground floor slab foundations which service the previously permitted 10 no. Two storey three & four bedroom semi-detached type dwelling houses which are currently constructed to ground floor finished floor level and which were granted full planning permission by an bord pleanala under planning reference number PL. 14. 212595 and which are located along the north-western boundary of the site to which this planning permission application relates and which is the same boundary that separates the proposed development site from the property known as the Longford/Westmeath farmers mart, (b) proposed construction of a residential development of 32 no. Dwelling houses which comprises the following: (i) 9 no. Three bedroom two storey detached type dwelling house of which there are two different designs, (ii) 7 no. Three bedroom storey and a half detached type dwelling houses (iii) two blocks of 4 no. Two storey terraced type dwelling houses consisting of 1 no. no. three bedroom two storey terraced type dwelling house and 3 no. two bedroom two storey terraced type dwelling houses in each block, i.e. 8 no. two storey terrace type dwelling houses in total (iv) 3 no. four bedroom two storey detached type dwelling houses, (v) 2 no. two bedroom single storey type dwelling houses, (vi) 3 no. three bedroom single storey type dwelling houses, (vii) proposed continuation of existing estate road network together with the proposed connection to the existing foul sewer, surface water and watermain networks currently servicing the existing housing estate known as “Dunaras” which was previously granted full planning permission by An Bord Pleanala under planning reference number PL.14.212595 (viii) construction of green open spaces, boundary fences/walls (C) proposed construction of a 2.5m high capped and plastered wall along the boundary which separates the site to which this planning permission application relates and the property known as the Longford/Westmeath Farmers Mart (D) proposed construction of a proposed parkland activity and recreational amenity area along the North-Western boundary to the site to which this planning permission application relates and which is the same boundary which separates the proposed development site from the property known as the Longford/Westmeath Farmers Mart and all ancillary site works.

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