11 May 2022: This commencement notice is for phase 1,being 8 houses, house numbers 1-8.
The demolition of three no. existing vacant dwellings on site [257.1m2] and the construction of 25 no. housing units. The application draws upon a similar planning which was permitted on the site under Planning Reg. No. 19/5167. The proposed development is largely similar to that previously permitted with some amendments to the unit types, unit numbers [increase of 7 no. units] and design but has been designed around a largely similar road and access arrangement. The proposed development is for permission for the construction of 16 no. 4 bed semi-detached and 9 no. 3 bed townhouses.
The applicants are also applying for permission for the construction of car parking spaces [providing 57 no. spaces], drainage works, play areas, landscaping, crossings and boundary treatments, bin storage, surface treatments and all necessary site services and ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Started on 11th May 2022 take the free trial here.