This application relates to a proposed development within the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme Area. The proposed development consists of demolition of the existing 4th floor penthouse exterior walls and pitched roof and the construction of a replacement 4th floor and an additional 4 no. floors of office accommodation supported on a new steel frame in a new contemporary glazed extension. The development results in a nine storey office building with rooftop plant enclosures and a green sedum roof. Permission is also sought for provision of a new basement plant/ storage area (44 sq.m); change of use of Nos. 1-4 Malt House Apartments from residential use to office use and integration with adjacent office floorspace (permission was previously granted for change of use of Nos. 1-4 Malt House apartments under Reg. Ref. DSDZ4441/16. The development also includes internal and external alterations as follows: (i) removal of non-original windows and addition of steel frame windows; (ii) reinstatement of timber sliding doors at ground floor level on the eastern facade, one over sash windows in northern portion of building (Malt House Apartments), removal of render on Canal side to show original brickwork finish and reinstatement of granite cills; (iii) new stairs and lifts and service areas to each floor, addition of louver screens to existing opes, widening of 2 no. existing opes on western facade at ground floor level to accommodate fire escape and proposed switch room; (iv) repair and refurbishment works to external fixtures and fittings and internal and external finishes, including rainwater goods, ceilings, floors, walls; and (v) drainage and all associated site development and ancillary works necessary to facilitate development.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2019-06-19 take the free trial here.

The Malt House South And

Plans Granted

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