Permission for development. The development will consist of: –

1. Remodelling of the façade of Building 13 along the eastern façade (façade addressing Pembroke square / Pembroke Cottages), the northern façade (façade addressing Ballinteer Road) and part of the eastern façade (façade addressing Dundrum Bypass) and all associated ancillary signage.

2. Level 1: Internal modifications and change of use at units 6, 7, 8, 9 from retail (totalling 1,352sq.m) to provide 4 no. Restaurants with ancillary bar use (totalling 1,223sq.m). This will result in changes to ancillary circulation areas and the creation of a new internal access lobby (61sq.m) associated with the proposed Leisure unit at Level 1M above. The existing elevation is set back at Level 1 and 1M (void) to create an outdoor seating area associated with Unit CSD1.1.

3. Level 1M: Change of use and internal modifications at existing units 6 & 9 (1,333sq.m) from retail to provide a single leisure/entertainment use (1,329sq.m). Internal modifications result in changes to internal layout arising from removal of existing void/circulation opes, reduction in floorspace associated with recessing of elevation and miscellaneous changes to the ancillary circulation areas.

4. Level 2: Addition of mechanical riser on western façade addressing Dundrum bypass resulting in a reduction in external terrace (Change of use to restaurant permitted for this unit under Reg. Ref D17A/0493).

5. Basement: Miscellaneous changes and reconfiguration of the existing basement plant rooms/store rooms and ancillary areas (633sq.m) under Building 13 part Building 12 to provide for additional plant rooms (80sq.m) and new store rooms/ancillary areas (264sq.m) associated with the Building 12 uses above.

This will result in the loss of 9no car parking spaces. the proposed development also includes public realm improvement works addressing the Pembroke District, Ballinteer Road (including removal of the existing loading bay) and Dundrum Bypass along with all hard and soft landscaping, outdoor seating areas associated with proposed restaurants on level 1 walkway, signage, lighting and all associated site and development works.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Started on 2019-07-01 take the free trial here.

Building 13


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