Compliance with condition no. S 8a&b of register reference no. Abp 30446919. Permission for a strategic housing development at this site, which comprises the three parcels of land of, green acres convent (1. 23ha), Drumahill House (0. 26ha), and the long acre (0. 27ha), all at Upper Kilmacud Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14. The site is bound by Upper Kilmacud Road to the north, Drumahill and Holywell residential development to the east, and eden farm (part of airfield estate) and airfield estate to the west and south of the site. The development will consist of: the development for which permission is being sought can be summarised as follows: the demolition of the former green acres convent (c. 425sqm), and drumahill house (c. 378 sqm), and associated out-buildings the construction of 253 no. Apartments in 3 no. Blocks ranging in height from 4 to 6 storeys, over single level basement parking, all on a site of c. 1. 76 hectares at kilmacud road upper.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 18th September 2019 take the free trial here.