Provision of 4 new information and communications technology (ICT) Facility buildings and associated development at the subject site, superseding elements of the extant planning permissions on site (Reg. Ref.: SD18A/0068 and Reg, Ref.: SD19A/0185). The application site is subject to an EPA Industrial Emissions Licence (Ref. No,: P1113-01) relating to the Energy Centre permitted on site, The single storey Energy Centre, gas pressure reduction station, and 110kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) substation permitted under Reg, Ref.: SD18AI0068 and Reg. Ref.: SD19AI0185 will be constructed as previously approved and are not affected by the current application. The proposed development will comprise the following: The construction of 4 ICT Facility buildings (ICT Facilities 1, 2, 3, and 4) with a combined total gross floor area {GFA) of c. 47,564.5 sqm, Each ICT Facility building includes associated external plant areas, totalling c, 20,649.5 sqm, ICT Facilities 1, 2, and 3 will be located in the eastern portion of the site, and each comprise a GFA of c. 15,196 sq.m (including ancillary office and administration space) over part two and part three levels with a maximum height of c, 25 metres and a parapet height of c, 19.5 metres, Each of the ICT Facilities will include an associated external plant area of c, 6,624 sqm, ICT Facility 4 will be located in the southern portion of the site and comprises a GFA of c, 1,976.5 sqm (including ancillary office and administration space) over two levels with a maximum height of c, 15 metres and a parapet height of c. 10.5 metres, This ICT Facility includes an associated external plant area of c. 777.5sq.m, Each ICT Facility building will accommodate ICT equipment halls, associated electrical and mechanical plant rooms, loading bays, maintenance and storage space, office administration areas, and screened plant. Construction of internal road network and circulation areas, footpaths, provision of 153 no. car parking spaces and 54 no, cycle parking spaces. Connections to vehicular access routes, roads, services and permitted infrastructure relating to the Energy Centre and 110kV GIS substation permitted under Reg, Ref.: SD18A/0068 and Reg, Ref.: SD19A/0185. Provision of emergency generators with associated flues, water storage tanks and associated pump rooms (comprising 150 sqm in total) to serve each of the proposed ICT Facility Buildings. Hard and soft landscaping and planting, lighting, and all associated works, including underground foul and storm water drainage network, boundary treatments and security fencing, attenuation areas, and utility cables.

To find out more details on this Light Industrial Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2021-03-23 take the free trial here.

3 & 4 Crag Avenue

Plans Granted

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