The proposed development is for a 7 year permission for a strategic housing development at Johnstown/Killahora (townlands), Glounthaune, Co. Cork. The development will consist of: a) The construction of 174 no. residential units to include 164 no. dwellings houses (comprising a mix of 2, 3 & 4 bed, detached, semi-detached & terraced/town houses, 105 no. units will have the option of a ground floor annex to the rear/side of the proposed dwellings); and 10 no. apartments (comprising a mix of 1 & 2 bed apartments) in a 3-storey block with a creche and doctor’s surgery at ground floor level; b) The provision of landscaping and amenity areas to include amenity walks and the provision of 1 no. multi use games area and 3 no. local play areas; c) All associated infrastructure and services to include the provision of pedestrian/cyclist facilities including footpaths & cycle lanes along the L3004 public road connecting to Glounthaune rail station/village centre, a pedestrian crossing linking the footpath network to the train station, 2 no. ESB sub-stations, 1 no. pumping station, lighting, drainage, boundary treatments, bicycle & car parking and a new link/distributor road connecting the existing L3004 public road with the adjoining lands to the north-west.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Applied for on 16th March 2018 take the free trial here.