We, Durkan (Brickfield Drive) Ltd, intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a strategic housing development on Lands at the former Eason’sWarehouse, Brickfield House, Brickfield Drive, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12 AF58, on a site of approximately 1.232ha (approx. 1.3691ha including the public road).

The proposed development will consist of:
(a) the demolition (total area approx. 5,757 sqm) of the existing buildings on site and the existing front boundary treatment, and (b) the construction of a new residential and mixed-use scheme of 282 no. apartment units in 4 no. blocks (Blocks A to D) ranging from 4 to 10storeys in height as follows:

• Block A (8 – 10 storeys) comprising 96 no. apartments (38 no. 1 bed and 58 no. 2-bed units)
• Block B (7 – 8 storeys) comprising 68 no. apartments (1no. studio, 29 no. 1 bed and 38 no. 2-bed units)
• Block C (4 – 6 storeys) comprising 40 no. apartments (11 no. 1 bed and 29 no. 2-bed units)
• Block D (5 – 7 storeys) comprising 78 no. apartments (48 no. 1 bed and 30 no. 2-bed units)

Block C will accommodate a Childcare Facility/creche of approx. 281 sqm at ground floor level.

The proposal will also provide for a cafe of 140 sqm on the ground floor of Block C. Residential amenity areas will be provided in the form of a reception of approx. 67.5sqm, resident lounge and meeting room of approx. 151sqm and a public remote working hub of approx. 140sqm, all at the ground floor level of Block C.

At Level 01 of Block C, the accommodation includes a public gym (approx. 229 sqm), a yoga / multi-purpose room (approx. 42.5sqm) and an office and lobby area.

Each residential unit will be afforded private open space in the form of a balcony or terrace. Public open space is proposed in the form of play areas, courtyards, outdoor seating and terraced planting and pedestrian and cyclist links (approx. 3,593 sqm).

Basement areas (total approx. 4,625 sqm) are proposed on one level, below part of Blocks B & C and under Block D, and include parking areas, waste management, stair and lift cores and plant areas.
A total of 119 no. car parking spaces (113 no. at basement level), including 4 car share spaces (1no. at surface and 3no. at basement level) and 5 no. setdown/drop-off spaces at surface level; 558 no. bicycle spaces (438no. are long-stay spaces within secure/covered compounds at basement level (including 6 no. cargo bike spaces) and 120 no. bicycle spaces at surface level in the open air and secure storage format); and 7 no. motorcycle spaces (at basement level) are proposed.

The development shall be served via two new vehicular access points from Brickfield Drive. Upgrade works are proposed to the vehicular access points to facilitate the proposed development and to provide for improved access and egress for the overall development. New pedestrian and cyclist access points will be provided via Brickfield Drive.

The associated site and infrastructural works include provision for water services; foul and surface water drainage and connections; attenuation proposals; permeable paving; all landscaping works; boundary treatment; internal roads and footpaths; waste storage areas and electrical services and all associated site development works.


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