Planning Permission for development including change of use, partial demolition and construction at 86 Jamestown Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8.
The proposed development includes the change of use of the existing property at No. 86 from industrial and warehousing to residential, partial demolition of the existing structure and construction works resulting in an additional floor (increase from existing 2 no. storeys to 3 no. storeys) and 23 no. apartment units (1 no. studio, 11 no. 1-bed, 7 no. 2-bed and 4 no. 3-bed).
Permission is also sought for: 13 no. car parking spaces and 46 no. resident and visitor cycles spaces to the front of the building; upgrades to boundary treatments, including new multi-modal and pedestrian entrances onto Jamestown Road; rooftop solar photo-voltaic array; landscaping; ground-level and second-floor communal open spaces; public lighting; signage along the eastern facade; rainwater harvesting infrastructure; and all ancillary site development and servicing works
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin take the free trial here.