For development to include a two storey 37 bedroom 1864 square metre floor area extension to the northern side of the existing Nursing Home, a two storey 33 bedroom 1362 square meter floor area extension to the South Western side of the existing Nursing Home, a two storey 46 square meter floor area extension to the laundry area and a 36 square metre detached single-storey storage building on the South Eastern portion of the site and a single storey 44 square meter extension to existing plant room at North Western portion of the site.

The bedroom extensions include associated bathrooms, sitting rooms, dining rooms, lifts, stairwells, circulation and ancillary areas. The development will also include associated site works and landscaping works.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Kilkenny Granted permission on 26th June 2018 take the free trial here.

Drakelands House Nursing Home

Plans Granted

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