Voyage Property Limited intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála (the Board) for permission for a strategic housing development with a total application site area of c.10.5 ha (with a substantive residential site development area of c.7.9 ha), on lands at the former Greenpark Racecourse, Dock Road, Limerick, principally bounded by existing undeveloped lands to the north, south and west and the adjoining Log na gCapall Housing Estate and Greenpark Avenue to the east. The application site includes the proposed access road (374m in length, including two lanes for vehicles, a roundabout, cycle lanes and pedestrian footpath) which connects to Dock Road at the north-western corner of the former Greenpark Racecourse lands and runs adjacent to the Limerick Greyhound Stadium.

The development, with a total gross floor area of c. 36, 879 sq m, will consist of the provision of 371 no. residential units comprising 157 no. two storey houses (consisting of 10 no. 4 bedroom units, 110 no. 3 bedroom units and 37 no. 2 bedroom units); 76 no. three storey duplex units (consisting of 14 no. 3 bedroom units, 38 no. 2 bedroom units and 24 no. 1 bedroom units) and 138 no. apartments (consisting of 92 no. 2 bedroom units and 46 no. 1 bedroom units arranged in 3 no. blocks ranging between 4 and 5 storeys together with communal amenity space) and a two storey childcare facility (550 sq m), including all private, communal and public open space provision (including balconies and terraces, private rear gardens and related play areas); surface car parking (510 no. spaces, including accessible spaces); car sharing provision; electric vehicle charging points; bicycle parking (long and short stay spaces); storage areas; internal roads and pathways; hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatments; piped infrastructural services and connections; plant; revised entrances and tie-in arrangements to adjoining roads, including emergency access via Log na gCapall and Greenpark Avenue and pedestrian and cyclist access via Log na gCapall; waste management provision; solar panels; attenuation tank and related SUDS measures; signage; public lighting; bulk earthworks; and all site development and excavation works above and below ground. Vehicular access to the site will be from Dock Road, via the proposed access road.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Limerick Granted permission on 2022-03-30 take the free trial here.

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Houses New Build in Limerick

Former Greenpark Racecourse

Plans Granted

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