The amendment and reconfiguration of the permitted development (Wicklow County Council Reg Ref 18/1432), to provide for an increase from 30 apartments (8 no.1 beds, 22 no. 2 beds) and 1 commercial unit to 33 apartments (comprising 15 no. 1 beds and 18 no. 2 beds) and 1 commercial unit on a site of approximately 0.274 ha at 5 Albert Avenue, Bray, Co. Wicklow. The subject application includes the overall reduction in height of both buildings and the improvement of public amenity space. Additional Works include the demolition of the existing warehouses on the site, adjustment to the road layout, hard and soft landscaping areas, amendments to drainage infrastructure, boundary treatment works, associated car and bicycle spaces and all associated site works including site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow Granted permission on 2021-09-27 take the free trial here.