For the construction of 22 REsidential Dwelling houses at Drumquin, Barefield, Ennis, Co Clare. This application seeks planning PERMISSION for the following:
1. The construction of 2 nr. detached Dormer Bungalows (4 Bedroom) House Type A
2. The construction of 6 nr. semidetached Dormer bungalows ( 4 Bedroom) House Type AI
3. The construction of 4 nr. Detached 2 storey dwellings with Attic accommodation (5 bedroom) House Type B
4. The construction of 8 nr. Detached 2 storey dwellings (4 bedroom) House Type C
5. The construction of 2nr semidetached two storey dwellings (3 bedroom) House Type D
6. The construction of on street public parking, footpaths and Street lighting
7. The connection to the Existing public mains Sewerage and water network facilities at this location and the extension and amendment of same.
8. All associated site boundary walls, gates and fences
9. All associated and ancillary site works and services.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Clare Applied for on 1st July 2021 take the free trial here.