Permission for development to amend a previously permitted residential development (Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 3665/15; ABP Ref. PL 29N.246124 – the parent permission) at a site of approximately 4,707 sq m (0.47 ha) within an overall site of c.20,200 sq m (c.2.02ha). The application site comprises lands at the southern part of the former Printworks/ Smurfit Site at Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, adjoining the rear of properties on Iona Road and Iona Park. The proposed development will consist of amendments to permitted dwelling houses Nos. 20 to 35 which are sited along the southern and eastern boundary of the site. The proposed amendments will result in a change to permitted House Type T1 to provide for 16 No. 5-bed, 3 storey terrace units (c. 235.1 sq m GFA, an increase of 23.2 sq m each) comprising revisions to the layout and elevations of the structures. Allocated surface car parking within this portion of the site is unchanged from that permitted (i.e. 17 No. spaces). The proposed development also includes modifications to the boundary treatments and all other associated site excavation and site development works above and below ground. (There is no change to setback distances from the site boundary or to the number of units proposed.)

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Houses New Build in Dublin

The Application Site Comprises Lands At The Southern Part Of The Former Printworks/Smurfit Site At B


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