Change of use to and inhabitation of Killeen Castle (a Protected Structure) as a hotel providing 43 no. bedrooms/suites (together with ancillary accommodation) involving the renovation and restoration of Killeen Castle (a Protected Structure). The works shall consist of the refurbished reinstatement of the upper ground floor rooms lost to extensive fire damage in 1981 and subsequent water damage and weathering, the conservation, repair and refurbishment of the upper ground floor principal rooms that partially survived the fire, the refurbished reinstatement or the provision of new rooms in the remainder of the lower ground, upper ground, first, second and third floors where the originals were lost or damaged beyond repair by the fire and/or water damage, all internally located and as indicated on the documentation and also including; provision of ancillary accommodation, including a bar (c.104 sqm gross floor area (GFA)), a restaurant (c. 248 sqm GFA), drawing room (c. 79 sqm GFA) and a reception /lounge room (c.63 sqm GFA) all located at lower ground and upper ground floor levels, a bat roost on the roof of Killeen Castle (a Protected Structure) measuring c. 6.6 sqm GFA with a maximum height of c. 2.76m above roof level and constructed of painted timber with a pitched, natural slate roof, 3 no. lifts and in accordance with the proposed hotel use, the routing of mechanical, electrical, heating and water services throughout the building, and associated external plant at ground and roof level. The Hotel includes other staff and back-of-house facilities incidental to the running of the hotel.

All ancillary site development and landscaping works, including; connection to existing services and utilities at the existing golf club clubhouse, 3 no. disabled access surface car parking spaces (with hotel to be served by adjacent 74 no. existing surface car parking spaces), new internal spur road and set-down area to the north of the Castle, covered pergola-type external walkway providing a pedestrian link between the western entrance to the Castle and the existing golf club clubhouse, vehicular access to the proposed development is via the existing internal road network and entrances at Killeen Castle Demesne. The overall hotel development results in a gross floor area of c. 2825.1 sqm.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Meath Granted permission on 2021-11-08 take the free trial here.

Killeen Castle

Plans Granted

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