38 no. Residential units, 2-3 storeys in height with 78 no. Car parking spaces and all associated ancillary infrastructure and site works on a site of 0.945 ha. The proposed residential development will incorporate the following residential units; (a) 10 no. Houses (6 no. Two-bed houses and 4 no. Three-bed houses), (b) 6 no. Three-bed duplex units, (c) 22 no. Apartments (2 no. One-bed apartments, 14 no. Two-bed apartments and 6 no. Three-bed apartments), (d) part v social housing to include for 4 no. Of the above units (block g: 2 no. Two-bed apartments & 2 no. Three-bed duplex units) and their associated parking spaces. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Meath Granted permission on 2019-09-26 take the free trial here.