Permission for the demolition and removal of an existing dwelling and ancillary structures and the construction of a mixed-use residential and commercial development in 13 no. blocks comprising: 134 no. residential units in 12 no. 3-storey blocks (comprising a mix of 1,2 and 3 bed apartments/duplexes), a 3 storey neighbourhood centre building (block 10) which includes a restaurant/take-away, convenience retail, gym, dentist, physio, hairdressers and outdoor amenity at roof level; a creche (included in Block 9); a 158 no. bed hotel (Block 7, which primarily ranges in height from 6 to 9 storeys with a 2-storey annex) and which includes a swimming pool, gym, bar, cafe, restaurant and function room; a new entrance/signalised junction and improvements to the N27 including 2 no. bus stops, cycle lane and footpaths; and all associated ancillary development works including an ESB sub-station, landscaping and amenity areas, solar panels (at roof level), bin storage, car and bicycle parking.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Applied for on 2021-07-13 take the free trial here.