Planning permission for a `Build to Rent` strategic housing development consisting of the demolition (total c.1, 398 sq. m GFA) of The Grange Select Marketing Suite (1 storey), Oaktree Business Centre (2 storeys) and The Lodge (2 storeys); and the construction of a new residential scheme of 287 residential units; residential tenant amenity space of c.961.5 sq. m; a crèche facility of c.658 sq. m; and a substation of c.96.5 sq. m in the form of 6 new blocks (Blocks H, J, M, N, P and Q) ranging in height from 1 – 11 storeys as follows: The residential development provides for 287 no. units (19 no. studio units, 125 no. 1 bed units and 143 no. 2 bed units) in Blocks H, J, M and N as follows: Block H (7 – 11 storeys from Brewery Road) comprising 99 no. apartments (6 no. studios, 50 no. 1 bed units and 43 no. 2 beds); Block J (5 – 10 storeys from Brewery Road) comprising 75 no. apartments (36 no. 1 bed units and 39 no. 2 bed units); Block M (4 – 9 storeys from podium) comprising 73 no. apartments (38 no. 1 bed units and 35 no. 2 bed units); and Block N (6 – 7 storeys from Brewery Road) comprising 40 no. apartments (13 no. studios, 1 no. 1 bed units and 26 no. 2 bed units). Each residential unit has associated private open space in the form of a balcony/terrace/roof terrace. The following residential tenant amenity space, crèche facility and substation proposals are also delivered: Blocks H (7 – 11 storeys) also contains a residential tenant amenity space of c.961.5 sq. m. This area includes a gym space, male and female changing areas, accessible changing areas, a cinema room, entrance lobby, lounge areas, kitchen/dining areas, games area, management suite, 4 no. meeting rooms, co-working space, security/parcels area, storage areas, tea station, toilets, letter box area and all associated extraneous areas, all of which are areas dedicated to use by future tenants. Block P (3 storeys) provides for a crèche facility of c.658 sq. m and associated outdoor play area in the form of a roof terrace of c.222.9 sq. m. Block Q (1 storey at basement level/level 00) provides for an ESB substation of c.96.5 sq. m. A basement area (total c.3,324.8 sq. m) is also proposed below Blocks H, J & M at Level 00. A total of 100 car parking spaces (16 at surface level and 84 at basement level), 596 bicycle spaces (518 at basement level and 78 at surface level) and 5 motorcycle spaces (all at basement level) are proposed. Waste Management areas and plant areas are also located at basement level. Public open space is also proposed in the form of external residential amenity spaces, play areas, courtyards, gardens and trim trails (c.10,465 sq. m). Provision is also made for pedestrian connections to the adjoining park to the south west, the N11 Stillorgan Road to the north east and the existing The Grange development to the south east. Nos. 2 and 3 The Grange Cottages (single storey) are retained within the current proposal and works to these residential dwellings relate solely to landscape proposals. No works are proposed to the structure or layout of these units. The development shall be accessed via the existing vehicular access point from Brewery Road. It is proposed to reconfigure the alignment of this vehicular access point to facilitate the proposed development and provide for improved access and egress for the overall The Grange development. The associated site and infrastructural works include provision for water services; foul and surface water drainage and connections; attenuation proposals; permeable paving; all landscaping works; boundary treatment; internal roads and footpaths; and electrical services. The application contains a statement setting out how the proposal will be consistent with the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Development Plan 2016-2022. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development. The application, together with the Environmental Impact Assessment Report, may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, during public opening hours at the offices of An Bord Pleanála and Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. The application may also be inspected online at the following website set up by the applicant:

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The Grange Oaktree Business Centre


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