Permission for a change of use to residential within an approved development [DCC Plan Ref: 4049/09, ABP Ref: 29s.235671] of 25 apartments in 4 blocks [Blocks A to D inclusive] with 26 car parking spaces, on a site of 0.49 hectares. The amendments within Block B consist of the change of use to residential use of the ground floor [level + 6.9 m OD] concierge office and meeting room area, as previously approved, and the development of 1 No. additional 2 bedroom apartment [84.29m2] with external balcony [7.6m2] bringing the total number of apartments in the development to 26, with 26 car parking spaces. The apartment will be accessed from the previously approved entrance from Anglesea Road and associated car parking, walkway and common areas as per DCC Plan Ref: 4049/09 and will utilise one of the previously approved parking spaces. The amendments to Block B are internal only and do not include any external alterations to the development as approved.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2016-11-16 take the free trial here.