Demolition of no. 27 Gladstone Street, a 3 storey building with a total demolition floor area of 357 sq.m, and construction of a new 3 storey building on the site. Part demolition of the single storey current entrance to the existing Cinema on Kickham Street whilst retaining the remains of the north-east mural tower (part of the Town Wall of Clonmel) with a total demolition floor area of 45 sq.m. The north east mural tower is a National monument and a recorded monument (TS083-019056/UAS 3). Conversion of the ground floor of 28 Gladstone Street which is listed on the NIAH (22117022) into the new entrance foyer for the Cinema, and associated ancillary accommodation, circulation, and plant accommodation to increase the cinema from 5 to 8 screens. Construction of extension to the rear yard of nos. 27 & 28 Gladstone Street to accommodate new cinema layout as outlined above. Conversion of the 1st. and 2nd. floors of 28 Gladstone Street into office accommodation with access.
To find out more details on this Sport & Leisure Development in Tipperary Granted permission on 17th September 2015 take the free trial here.