19 Aug 2021 Construction commenced of 3 detached, two storey dwellings and all necessary ancillary works, landscaping and boundary treatments, all accessed via existing access on Priory road
Extend the appropriate period of 15/260 –
(a) demolition of part single and part two storey rear extension, provision of single storey replacement rear extension and renovation of existing part single-storey part two-storey and part three-storey dwelling house, Struan House (a protected structure).
(b) demolition of partly built two-storey dwelling (constructed pursuant to Wicklow Co. Council ref no. 05/3041).
(c) completion of partly built internal road network (constructed pursuant to Wicklow Co. Council ref no. 05/3041 and 05/3042.
(d) provision of 14 detached, two storey dwellings.
(e) alteration and completion of foul and surface water sewerage system (partly constructed pursuant to Wicklow Co. Council ref no. 05/3041 and 05/3042).
(f) all necessary ancillary works, landscaping and boundary treatments, all accessed via existing access on Priory Road (constructed pursuant to Wicklow County Council re no. 05/3041 and 05/3042).
The proposed dwellings and ancillary works will be in the curtilage and attendant grounds of the protected structure Struan House. The development is on a 2.8ha site (part of site of partly constructed development).
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow Started on 19th August 2021 take the free trial here.